5 Must-Do's Before Listing Your House for Sale in Dubai

For any homeowner, selling off a house is not an easy task. Here are the top 5 must do's before listing your house for sale in Dubai: Make sure to clear your dues This is one of the surest ways to attain good money for your property. Keep in mind that normal real estate rules dictate that if the owner of the property does not clear the dues, the prospective buyer will have to take care of it. However, the buyer can then eliminate the amount from the sum payable to the seller. Thus, you must clear all dues on your property. The dues include property tax, water tax, electricity bills, society and maintenance charges and other amounts payable. When you clear these dues, you should have the receipts and certificates of clearance. Keep these properly. This will enable you to produce them when needed. Work on clearing the home loan In case you had purchased the apartment on borrowed money, you should try to clear out the loan. Many banks do not charge any money on pre-payment of the ...